Thursday, December 9, 2010

Transformers Dark of the Moon Teaser.

Intriguing. I won't go so far as to say that I am excited after seeing this after the spectacular crapfest that was "The Revenge of the Fallen" but their may be hope. I would not put it past Michael Bay to have the events depicted in this trailer get barely a 5 second mention in the movie. He did the exact same thing with the first transformers.

This was the teaser trailer for the first Transformers movie and It looked great. Then in the movie the only mention of anything having to do with Mars was a two second mention when someone was briefing John Voight and they showed a picture from this trailer. That was it. I would not put it at all past Michale Bay for this to be something similar. I hope its not. I hope that he by some chance has a compelling and artful story to tell with this movie but I am not holding my breath. I also hope at the very least that the robot at the end of the new trailer is Alpha Trion. That at least would be a great nod to the original series. I hope. I hope. I hope. But I am also prepared for it to be more hot chicks running for their lives in high heels and explosions. This is Michael Bay after all. If you give a monkey a shotgun and the monkey shoots somebody do you blame the monkey?

(Via Io9)

1 comment:

  1. I 100% know what you're saying here. My hubby showed me the newest Transformers trailer this weekend and I was like, oh shit that is SICK, because it is an awesome trailer and the idea that they're rewriting American history to include this storyline is super interesting (I am a big Forrest Gump sucker afterall) but exactly as you say it may be Mr. Bay suckering us in on false pretenses after a dismal failure with the last movie, which, full disclosure - I did not see. I watched several clips and just couldn't bring myself to spend the money and waste the date night when I get out so rarely these days. And that is after thoroughly enjoying the first one (despite the presence of both Shia LeBouf and Meagan Fox) so as you can imagine the scenes I watched were really really bad. Quick side note - the first Transformers actually opened my mind to being okay with Mr. LeBouf and then Indiana Jones just made him annoy me all over again - but THAT'S a conversation for another time. SO - in conclusion - this trailer is AWESOME and I hope Michael Bay works some of that storytelling magic that he sometimes remembers to weave in with all of the explosions :)
