So Justice League Generation Lost just keeps getting better and better. It has been seven months since Brightest Day started and when it did I had no idea what this new Biweekly series was. Just that it was centered around the characters in the old Justice League International and the newly resurrected Maxwell Lord. Many people have noted that of the Brightest Day titles this one is the best and I have to agree. Judd Winick is taking this series to a great place. This issue starts with a beautiful recap of Max Lords death a the hands of Wonder Woman. It's revealed that only Max Lord and the four core JLIers are the only ones that remember Wonder Woman ever existed. All traces of her have been removed from the world, and it is not the result of Max Lord's mind control powers. Unlike Lord himself who using his powers has removed all knowledge of his own existence from the world Wonder Woman has just disappeared. I know this must have something to do with the JMS storyline currently in Wonder Woman's own book and it is good to see that finally be included in the DCU at large. (I know everyone hates the new costume but I like it and the story has been great) There was also a lot of great character development in this issue. I really dug it when Booster Gold laid down the law to Captain Atom who was having a bit of a hissy fit after being framed for a terrorist attack two issues ago. Considering that Booster has a rep for being a shallow jerk and Captain Atom is like a million times more powerful than him it was cool to see such a role reversal. Their was also a bit of a retcon of Ice's origin that was a little unclear but all in all it was another great issue of this series. I give this issue a 4 out of 5 stars. I can't wait for the next issue.
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