Saturday, December 11, 2010

Fables 100 Review

So I was really looking forward to this issue because anniversary issues are usually good jumping on points. This one was not. The issue opens up in the middle of a fight. The villainous Mr. Dark  is battling Frau Totenkinder in  a sorcerers duel. As they battle the story develops around them. A wide variety of supporting characters engage in various actions that are obviously moving forward a story that I have no idea about. I will say that I found the story compelling enough to go out immediately and buy the first graphic novel. I can't wait to read that and we will be reviewing it on the podcast once that happens. The artwork is quite good. It definitely has that multi-story feel that an anniversary issue should have. There are also a bunch of special features including a puppet theater that is pretty cool even though no one will ever make it. Who is going to cut up a ten dollar comic thus ruining all collectible value to play with puppets? Surely not the mature readers that this book is recommended for. I would much rather have seen those six pages used for a recap of the story so far or some other way to draw in new readers. This comic has everything a good comic should have. Complex story and great artwork. Obviously a lot of effort went in to it and it is certainly worthy of its prestige format. That said I can't recommend this book for someone who is already not reading the series. I have heard nothing but good things about this series and I can't wait to read it but this is not a story that I feel you should come in to part way thorough. Looks like I'll be playing catch up on this series for a while.

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