Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Geek Fashion...These may be the droids you are looking for.

I saw this posted three other places and they all made that joke. I really tried not to but I could not help myself.
God do I love living in a world where this exists. Over at BlackMilkClothing you can get this for $85 for your self, your girlfriend or other loved one. Seems a bit pricey for a swimsuit but somehow in this case it might be worth it. For something that will never be worth it but is totally awesome anyway check this out.

For $500 over at http://noirjewelry.com/ you could be the proud owner of this. If I ever did buy this for my girlfriend the best part would be the reaction. I honestly don't know weather it would be delight or horror.

Much thanks to Topless Robot and The Nerdy Bird for posting these and thusly brightening my day.

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