Friday, December 24, 2010

Justice League: Generation Lost #16 Review

This issue of "Generation Lost" was one of the most action packed of a very action oriented series. Once again Maxwell Lord has used his mind control powers to throw our heroes up against an elite fighting force while he moves his plan forward from the background. This week the league goes up against "The Creature Commandos" a group of warriors engineered during World War II to emulate the popular horror movie monsters of they day. While the rest of the league battles these monster-warriors Fire and Ice are at the back of the battle where Fire has been shot in the stomach and is bleeding to death. This weeks great heroic moment goes to Blue Beetle. He singlehandedly saved Fire. Their was also a great moment between Fire and Ice where Fire laments the shadier things she has done in her life. Her Fear is palpable when she declares that she is thinks she is going to hell. Though there was a lot of great battles here this issue was more of a transitional one and therefore only gets a 3 out of a possible 5 stars. I really look forward to seeing this series collected in to a single volume. It probably will read much better as a single work then as installments. That said it does not suffer at all from the inconsistencies of its bi-weekly counterpart "Brightest Day" which has been hit or miss. I hold this series to a higher standard because it has been so consistently good so far. Transitional issues are invertible in any kind of serial storytelling but as a whole this story still excites me more than most of what I am currently reading.

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