Monday, December 6, 2010

Batman Orphans #1 Review

So lets start right from the beginning with the fact that yes, this comic starts out with a dead Robin on the first page. Yes he is really dead. No he is not really Robin. Someone has been impersonating Batman and building a dickensian group of orphans all competing for the right to be Robin. The first issue starts with this fake Robin lying dead in a gutter just shot by some random person who we never see again for the rest of the issue. What follows is a fairly disjointed tail of the orphan underground complete with individual profiles of each one competing for the title of Robin.There is some good banter between Dick Grayson and Tim Drake and its good to see them working closely together in a "recent past" story considering current continuity. Bruce Wayne was entirely underused. While not horrible the writing of this story will depend greatly on how it concludes in the next issue. Sometimes that is not a good sign but hopefully all the exposition will pay off. What really pulled me in to this issue is the artwork. Carlo Barberi's art and Chuck Pires colors really made this worth buying. It reminded me of Danger Girl back in the 90's. The difference between this being a good series and a great series will depend on the how it ends but I give this issue 3.5 stars based on the art and its potential.

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