Sunday, December 12, 2010

New Thor Trailer signals an end to the days of the dark superhero movie.

That is not to say that their will be no more noir in superhero movies but no longer will every freaking comic book movie have to highlight a given superhero's similarities to Batman. Don't get me wrong. I love Batman but since 1989 nine times out of ten they make the hero as dark as they can to go for gritty realism. Most of the time it does not work and you wind up with a crappy movie. Thor looks appropriately cosmic in this new trailer. Sir Anthony Hopkins seems to make a reasonably good Odin although I weep for what might have been had Brian Blessed kept the part. Asgard looks good, the costumes look good, and I am pleased with the overall look of the movie and what it may portend for the genera in general. For the first time in a long time it seems like Hollywood is willing to let that which is based on a comic be like a comic. Instead of forcing in the gritty realizm that has made the last 20 years of comic book movies all versions of Batman diluted to various levels they seem to be letting Thor be Thor. I am hoping this trend continues. Next up Captain America!

(Via Io9)
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1 comment:

  1. This is a pretty sweet trailer! I'm not as sold on the costuming though, I think it could have been more original but I'll reserve final judgment til I see the film. Also, side note, I already have a crush on whoever that guy is playing Thor. :)
