Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Batman Orphans #2 Review

After my first review I said that I would need to hold final judgment on this series until the second issue. Now that it is out I can say that the whole series rates a solid 3.25 stars on my five star scale. The artwork is beautiful. Carlo Barberi does a top notch job again. It was by far my favorite thing about this series and I can't wait to see more of his work. My biggest problem with this series was that it tried to squeeze too much in to just two issues and it shows. Its a great concept that was not executed as well as it could have been because of this. There was I count easily five new characters, including the one who ultimately turned out to be the villain, who were inadequately developed. Francisco, the Oliver Twist of this scenario, is a prime example of this. Though featured on the cover of this issue after reading it I still can not tell you his back story. The incorporation of a Hugo Strange protege' was a welcome development although I was hoping that the good doctor himself wound up being the heavy in this story. It would have made much more sense and would have eliminated the need for some of the exposition that this story lacks. Without it all we have is an average Batman story with above average art. It is a standard "A bunch of stuff happened once" story with not a hell of a lot else going for it.

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