Sunday, December 5, 2010

So I know I am late coming to this party but everyone needs to Lay off Superman: Earth One

I may be losing some geek cred right of the bat here but everyone hating on Superman: Earth One needs to STEP OFF. Just because J. Michael Straczynski did something quasi-original with Superman does not mean he is trying to turn him in to Edward Cullen, and thank the almighty god for that. It was nice for once to see a Superman in search of heroism instead of being a hero just because he can. It adds depth to the character to see him come to that choice and the circumstances that lead up to that. His Clark Kent persona may be a little bit Hipsterish but that is not the end of the world. Especially considering that it seems JMS is going back to the "Clark Kent as mask" concept of the earlier day of Superman. Tyrell of Dheron was a good villain and it is nice to see Superman go toe to toe with someone new that is as powerful as he is. The fact that he looks like the devil himself also helps. Speaking of that Shane Davis artwork is beautiful throughout. His redesign of the classic Superman costume is subtle and tasteful. I also liked his take on Jor-El and Lara as well as the alien invaders.  I am not saying I want this to be the main continuity or anything but for DC's first shot at something like Marvel's ultimate universe I think its a good first outing.

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