Friday, December 24, 2010
Justice League: Generation Lost #16 Review
This issue of "Generation Lost" was one of the most action packed of a very action oriented series. Once again Maxwell Lord has used his mind control powers to throw our heroes up against an elite fighting force while he moves his plan forward from the background. This week the league goes up against "The Creature Commandos" a group of warriors engineered during World War II to emulate the popular horror movie monsters of they day. While the rest of the league battles these monster-warriors Fire and Ice are at the back of the battle where Fire has been shot in the stomach and is bleeding to death. This weeks great heroic moment goes to Blue Beetle. He singlehandedly saved Fire. Their was also a great moment between Fire and Ice where Fire laments the shadier things she has done in her life. Her Fear is palpable when she declares that she is thinks she is going to hell. Though there was a lot of great battles here this issue was more of a transitional one and therefore only gets a 3 out of a possible 5 stars. I really look forward to seeing this series collected in to a single volume. It probably will read much better as a single work then as installments. That said it does not suffer at all from the inconsistencies of its bi-weekly counterpart "Brightest Day" which has been hit or miss. I hold this series to a higher standard because it has been so consistently good so far. Transitional issues are invertible in any kind of serial storytelling but as a whole this story still excites me more than most of what I am currently reading.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Batman Inc #2 Review
This issue concludes the first regular story arc of the Batman Incorporated era. It was pretty sweet. First off I loved the dynamic between Bruce and Selina. The first issue had a pretty unsubtle moment that without showing it, which would put this issue in the "for mature readers" category, let the reader know that currently Batman and Catwoman are having regular casual sex. At the time it seemed a little on the nose for my tastes but I really like where this relationship is going. I think that this is something that will develop over a long time through all of Grant Morrison's books and I think that is a good thing. Lord knows Morrison is the master of the long play. The story centers on Jiro Osamu's journey from the assistant to Japan's Mr. Unknown to the new Japanese Batman. The villain of the story, Lord Death Man was visually pretty cool. He was reasonably bad ass and Jiro's battle with him is made cooler because of that. He was no Joker certainly but driving a car through a noodle restaurant just to up his body count is pretty cold. Again this book was pretty unsubtle on that count as well. Yanick Paquette's artwork was pretty blatant during this scene. In that one panel I count two people dead from gunshot wounds and one spread between the bumper and the wheel well of the car. It even get's a, "YOU SICK, TWISTED MONSTER!" from Batman himself. This book pulls no punches. Because of that I am giving it my highest rating so far. It gets a 4.25 stars out of a possible 5. My only major disappointment was the lacking of a defining moment for Jiro. Their were a few shots at this but these seemed to be more like field goals then a good long bomb touchdown. I am looking forward to his development as a character in the future as well as the rest of the emerging Batman Corps. Good art and great story that develops both main and ancillary characters makes for a great book and I can't wait for the next issue.
Neil Gaiman's great Poem, "Nicholas Was..."
I have had a copy of this poem for ages. I first read it in his great anthology "Smoke and Mirros." On of the many graphic novels I lost to Girlfriends in college. Tragic. Luckily, the video is even better. Dark but better.
Merry Christmas.
39 Degrees North: Christmas Card 2010 from 39 Degrees North on Vimeo.
Ho Ho Ho
(Via io9)
Merry Christmas.
39 Degrees North: Christmas Card 2010 from 39 Degrees North on Vimeo.
Ho Ho Ho
(Via io9)
Tron: Legacy brings zen to computing.
First off let me say that for a movie whose first trailer came before its script this movie was still pretty freaking sweet. That is not to say that it is Shakespeare or even Alan Moore but its pretty great for what it is. So what is it? It's the 3D wizard of oz. Literally. The movie starts out in 2d and only goes to 3d when they get to the computer world. I had no idea that is how they would handle it but in retrospect it was a pretty cool idea. Their are references to the original movie aplenty and yes, we do find out what happens to Tron himself. He actually appears all over the movie although most of the time he is masked. We do get a pretty sweet flashback scene in which we see a de-aged Bruce Boxleitner do battle with the CGI Jeff Bridges that is Clu. The movies villain. Clu is a great villain in the tradition of Darth Vader and Sinestro. The villain who sees himself as the champion of order and because of that eradicates freedom. He even goes so far as to commit a genocide against the Isos. A new breed of program that spring spontaneously from the grid. They are the fulcrum of this story. Artificial Intelligence born from the system itself. Not created by the users. Kevin Flynn, the creator of the grid, sees them as its ultimate evolutionary end. Jeff Bridges brings some Dudeariffic zen to this role that was not in the original movie but I am cool with that. I can even forgive his over use of the exclamation, "Man!" Clu, Flynn's creation also played by Bridges but digitally de-aged, sees the Isos as a corruption. Something to be cleansed from the grid. The story's protagonist is Sam Flynn. Kevin's son who has been left without a father while his has been imprisoned inside his own creation. We learn of this computer generated world thorough Sam's eyes as he is forced into many of the same scenarios his father faced twenty years ago. Tron: Legacy is original enough to stand on its own although it does owe a lot not only to its predecessor but also to The Matrix movies. Much of the style of this movie was borrowed from there. The story kept me guessing and although the ending was mildly disappointing in a few ways I am still really glad they made this movie. It builds wonderfully on my childhood memories. It does not just exploit them as a way to separate me from my fourteen bucks. Take note Mr. Bay.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Batman Orphans #2 Review
After my first review I said that I would need to hold final judgment on this series until the second issue. Now that it is out I can say that the whole series rates a solid 3.25 stars on my five star scale. The artwork is beautiful. Carlo Barberi does a top notch job again. It was by far my favorite thing about this series and I can't wait to see more of his work. My biggest problem with this series was that it tried to squeeze too much in to just two issues and it shows. Its a great concept that was not executed as well as it could have been because of this. There was I count easily five new characters, including the one who ultimately turned out to be the villain, who were inadequately developed. Francisco, the Oliver Twist of this scenario, is a prime example of this. Though featured on the cover of this issue after reading it I still can not tell you his back story. The incorporation of a Hugo Strange protege' was a welcome development although I was hoping that the good doctor himself wound up being the heavy in this story. It would have made much more sense and would have eliminated the need for some of the exposition that this story lacks. Without it all we have is an average Batman story with above average art. It is a standard "A bunch of stuff happened once" story with not a hell of a lot else going for it.
Sorry For the Prolonged Absence.
Not that I have any regular readers yet but I won't get them without posting. Think of all the crazy things that have happened since I last posted. Tron came out several Spidermen have given their lives in service of Broadway, several Star Wars specials have aired and the spirit of Christmas has spread across the land. Reviews of last weeks and this weeks comics will be out over the next few days so stay tuned.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Batman Arkham City Trailer 2
This trailer was on the Video Game Awards on Spike Saturday night. Good God does it look awesome. If the game play is even a quarter as good as the cinematics here this game is going to be freaking awesome. The fact that it incorporates Hugo Strange whets my appetite for this game even more. Hugo Strange was one of Batman's earliest adversaries and he has been a mainstay in the upper echelon of his enemies since then. He is a mad psychiatrist who becomes obsessed with Batman and eventually figures out his secret identity. He uses this knowledge to try and tear Batman's psyche apart. His greatest desire is to destroy Batman so he can become Batman.
This excites me for Batman: Arkham City because of the psychological aspect of the first game. The Scarecrow sequences from Arkham Asylum went deep in to the Batman's motivations right down to his reliving the murder of his parents in a playable albeit on rails sequence. How much more so will it be with this game? I can't wait.
To top it off Batman in this game will be voiced by the great Kevin Conroy. The voice of Batman for the past twenty years. Since Batman: The Animated Series. It also sees the return of Mark Hamil as the Joker as well as many other voices from the classic DC animated universe. Batman: Arkham Asylum was roundly declared the best superhero game of all time when it came out. That is a hell of a lot to live up to with the sequel. That said so far I have seen nothing that would lead me to doubt that Rocksteady will not only reach but exceed those expectations.
New Thor Trailer signals an end to the days of the dark superhero movie.
That is not to say that their will be no more noir in superhero movies but no longer will every freaking comic book movie have to highlight a given superhero's similarities to Batman. Don't get me wrong. I love Batman but since 1989 nine times out of ten they make the hero as dark as they can to go for gritty realism. Most of the time it does not work and you wind up with a crappy movie. Thor looks appropriately cosmic in this new trailer. Sir Anthony Hopkins seems to make a reasonably good Odin although I weep for what might have been had Brian Blessed kept the part. Asgard looks good, the costumes look good, and I am pleased with the overall look of the movie and what it may portend for the genera in general. For the first time in a long time it seems like Hollywood is willing to let that which is based on a comic be like a comic. Instead of forcing in the gritty realizm that has made the last 20 years of comic book movies all versions of Batman diluted to various levels they seem to be letting Thor be Thor. I am hoping this trend continues. Next up Captain America!
(Via Io9)
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Saturday, December 11, 2010
Fables 100 Review
So I was really looking forward to this issue because anniversary issues are usually good jumping on points. This one was not. The issue opens up in the middle of a fight. The villainous Mr. Dark is battling Frau Totenkinder in a sorcerers duel. As they battle the story develops around them. A wide variety of supporting characters engage in various actions that are obviously moving forward a story that I have no idea about. I will say that I found the story compelling enough to go out immediately and buy the first graphic novel. I can't wait to read that and we will be reviewing it on the podcast once that happens. The artwork is quite good. It definitely has that multi-story feel that an anniversary issue should have. There are also a bunch of special features including a puppet theater that is pretty cool even though no one will ever make it. Who is going to cut up a ten dollar comic thus ruining all collectible value to play with puppets? Surely not the mature readers that this book is recommended for. I would much rather have seen those six pages used for a recap of the story so far or some other way to draw in new readers. This comic has everything a good comic should have. Complex story and great artwork. Obviously a lot of effort went in to it and it is certainly worthy of its prestige format. That said I can't recommend this book for someone who is already not reading the series. I have heard nothing but good things about this series and I can't wait to read it but this is not a story that I feel you should come in to part way thorough. Looks like I'll be playing catch up on this series for a while.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Now this looks pretty cool.
PATHS OF HATE long trailer from Platige Image on Vimeo.
So I have no idea what this is for but the animation is pretty damn cool. Apparently this is a trailer for the latest film by Damian Nenow. I'll certainly be keeping my eye out for this.
Thanks to Ryan for the tip.
(Via hypebeast)
Something Strange on Fringe.
My full Fringe review will be coming later but for right now, am I the only one who noticed when Broyles called for access to the eye bank he called himself Col. Broyles? Col. Broyles was dead in the back of a van last week. So any theories as to what is up with that?
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Transformers Dark of the Moon Teaser.
Intriguing. I won't go so far as to say that I am excited after seeing this after the spectacular crapfest that was "The Revenge of the Fallen" but their may be hope. I would not put it past Michael Bay to have the events depicted in this trailer get barely a 5 second mention in the movie. He did the exact same thing with the first transformers.
This was the teaser trailer for the first Transformers movie and It looked great. Then in the movie the only mention of anything having to do with Mars was a two second mention when someone was briefing John Voight and they showed a picture from this trailer. That was it. I would not put it at all past Michale Bay for this to be something similar. I hope its not. I hope that he by some chance has a compelling and artful story to tell with this movie but I am not holding my breath. I also hope at the very least that the robot at the end of the new trailer is Alpha Trion. That at least would be a great nod to the original series. I hope. I hope. I hope. But I am also prepared for it to be more hot chicks running for their lives in high heels and explosions. This is Michael Bay after all. If you give a monkey a shotgun and the monkey shoots somebody do you blame the monkey?
(Via Io9)
Wear Star Wars Gear tomorrow.
Give a Star Wars Toy to Toys for Tots this year too. In honor of this little girl. This is Katie. She was bullied for being in to Star Wars and being a girl and what followed was the most beautiful story of geek solidarity that I have ever seen in my life. This has turned in to a drive for Toys for Tots so give a Star Wars toy to Toys for Tots this year and wear your Star Wars gear tomorrow.
(Via Fashionalby Geek )
(Via Fashionalby Geek )
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Justice League: Generation Lost #15 Review
I believe the words coming to mind are HELL and YES!!!!
Oh sweet zombie Jesus. I can't wait for this game. Arkham Asylum was by far the best superhero game ever. I have heard that the sequel will have a much large world and if only the cinematics are as good as this trailer then I just may have figured out how I will be spending my vacation time in 2011. Anyone can beat a game in 72 hours. It takes a real man to beat a game in 72 hours straight.
Geek Fashion: The Dude of the Grid
Speaking of Tron. Today's Tee Fury shirt is pretty awesome. "This is what happens Sark. This is what happens when you FUCK A STRANGER IN THE ASS!!!"
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tron Better Be Good or I'm Gonna Be Super Pissed Off
I am one of those people who is emotionally invested in the new Tron movie. I was one of the lucky few who actually got to see Tron on ice.
This was one of the seminole experiences of my childhood. Pathetic I know. But I was six and it was AWESOME!!!!
Clu is going to have to be the most superbadass villain ever. I remember the Master Control Program making Sark 40 feet tall with a gaping wound in his head to continue the fight against Tron in the first movie. For this movie to be good Clu needs to be at least that bad ass. Speaking of Tron is he even in this movie? Did they de-age Bruce Boxleitner too? If not why not?
I have been so excited for this movie since the first trailer at Comic Con. I was not at comic con and I must have been watching the shaky cellphone one for like a year before the real one came out. With those kind of raised expectations I know that I may be setting myself up for a fall but hope springs eternal.
This was one of the seminole experiences of my childhood. Pathetic I know. But I was six and it was AWESOME!!!!
Clu is going to have to be the most superbadass villain ever. I remember the Master Control Program making Sark 40 feet tall with a gaping wound in his head to continue the fight against Tron in the first movie. For this movie to be good Clu needs to be at least that bad ass. Speaking of Tron is he even in this movie? Did they de-age Bruce Boxleitner too? If not why not?
I have been so excited for this movie since the first trailer at Comic Con. I was not at comic con and I must have been watching the shaky cellphone one for like a year before the real one came out. With those kind of raised expectations I know that I may be setting myself up for a fall but hope springs eternal.
Geek Fashion...These may be the droids you are looking for.
I saw this posted three other places and they all made that joke. I really tried not to but I could not help myself.
God do I love living in a world where this exists. Over at BlackMilkClothing you can get this for $85 for your self, your girlfriend or other loved one. Seems a bit pricey for a swimsuit but somehow in this case it might be worth it. For something that will never be worth it but is totally awesome anyway check this out.
For $500 over at you could be the proud owner of this. If I ever did buy this for my girlfriend the best part would be the reaction. I honestly don't know weather it would be delight or horror.
Much thanks to Topless Robot and The Nerdy Bird for posting these and thusly brightening my day.
God do I love living in a world where this exists. Over at BlackMilkClothing you can get this for $85 for your self, your girlfriend or other loved one. Seems a bit pricey for a swimsuit but somehow in this case it might be worth it. For something that will never be worth it but is totally awesome anyway check this out.
For $500 over at you could be the proud owner of this. If I ever did buy this for my girlfriend the best part would be the reaction. I honestly don't know weather it would be delight or horror.
Much thanks to Topless Robot and The Nerdy Bird for posting these and thusly brightening my day.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Batman Orphans #1 Review
So lets start right from the beginning with the fact that yes, this comic starts out with a dead Robin on the first page. Yes he is really dead. No he is not really Robin. Someone has been impersonating Batman and building a dickensian group of orphans all competing for the right to be Robin. The first issue starts with this fake Robin lying dead in a gutter just shot by some random person who we never see again for the rest of the issue. What follows is a fairly disjointed tail of the orphan underground complete with individual profiles of each one competing for the title of Robin.There is some good banter between Dick Grayson and Tim Drake and its good to see them working closely together in a "recent past" story considering current continuity. Bruce Wayne was entirely underused. While not horrible the writing of this story will depend greatly on how it concludes in the next issue. Sometimes that is not a good sign but hopefully all the exposition will pay off. What really pulled me in to this issue is the artwork. Carlo Barberi's art and Chuck Pires colors really made this worth buying. It reminded me of Danger Girl back in the 90's. The difference between this being a good series and a great series will depend on the how it ends but I give this issue 3.5 stars based on the art and its potential.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Thank God for Ocean State Job Lot
As the winter completely sets upon us I thank my lucky stars for Ocean State Job Lot. They had these sweet Iron Man lounge pants for 7 bucks a few weeks ago. I was totally able to stock up. Four Pairs cost me less than a night out and now get to not only be warm while I sleep but look like the total dork that I am while I do it.
So I know I am late coming to this party but everyone needs to Lay off Superman: Earth One
I may be losing some geek cred right of the bat here but everyone hating on Superman: Earth One needs to STEP OFF. Just because J. Michael Straczynski did something quasi-original with Superman does not mean he is trying to turn him in to Edward Cullen, and thank the almighty god for that. It was nice for once to see a Superman in search of heroism instead of being a hero just because he can. It adds depth to the character to see him come to that choice and the circumstances that lead up to that. His Clark Kent persona may be a little bit Hipsterish but that is not the end of the world. Especially considering that it seems JMS is going back to the "Clark Kent as mask" concept of the earlier day of Superman. Tyrell of Dheron was a good villain and it is nice to see Superman go toe to toe with someone new that is as powerful as he is. The fact that he looks like the devil himself also helps. Speaking of that Shane Davis artwork is beautiful throughout. His redesign of the classic Superman costume is subtle and tasteful. I also liked his take on Jor-El and Lara as well as the alien invaders. I am not saying I want this to be the main continuity or anything but for DC's first shot at something like Marvel's ultimate universe I think its a good first outing.
Welcome to Comics Unleashed
Not that their are not a lot of great comic and scifi blogs out there but I have decided the world has been deprived of my unique point of view on the subject for too long and so here we are. If you are reading this I hope you like what you find.
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