Some on set pictures of the new Spider-man costume emerged from the rabbit hole today. Here is the clearest one.
Boy am I not impressed. First of all what is with the silver accents on the feet? I could possibly understand it on the wrists since they have made great hey out of the fact that Peter Parker is going to be using web shooters in this movie, as in the comic, instead of just growing spinnerets in his forearms. Does this indicate he'll be shooting webs out of his feet? Worse yet does it mean that he'll have some kind of technological amplification for his wall crawling abilities? Did the costume department get some kind of bulk deal on sonic welding? Either way I think it looks pretty bad. It looks too much like he is wearing some kind of flip-flop boot. I also dislike the way they have redistributed the red and blue parts of the costume. It recalls the worst aspects of Michael Bay's Optimus Prime. Red creeping in to the blue areas. Blue creeping in to the red areas. No logic to any of it. I see red stripes going up the legs. Fine. They could attach to the red belt area normally on the costume. Oh wait. The belt area is gone and in its place two dagger like points that don't even come around to the front. So instead of getting the "Han Solo, Blood Stripe" look you wind up a strange upside down u that serves only to contour his ass as he swings down 6th Avenue.
And therein lies the heart of the matter. This costume seems to me to be yet another hint at what is really going on with this Spider-man reboot. We may be witnessing the beginning of the twilightification of the superhero. In one of my first posts on this blog I let loose a rant about Superman: Earth One, and how it was not trying to make Superman in to Edward Cullen. While I stand by that I also know that it was marketed like he was and most of the bad criticism came from that. I hate to say it but what they did to Superman with marketing they may be doing to Spider-man whole hog. I mean look at this kid.
Does that look like the nerdy kid in your science class that you knew if you cheated off of him you were guarenteed to ace the test? Does it look like the kid who perseveres over immense hardship, always amazed at how much he has to deal with but never without a quip on the tip of his tongue? No. It looks like the emo jerk sitting at the back of the class wearing black eyeliner and whining about how no one will ever really understand him. I fear this new Spider-man may be designed to rope in the teenage girl demographic at the expense of its core audience. I hope I am wrong but as of right now I have a feeling like this Spider-man will be a major step down.
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