Saturday, January 29, 2011

For those of you that did not already know.

Original Transformers Autobots
Research and Design by:

Here is the comprehensive list of all of the Gen 1 Autobots and their respective vehicle modes. Lord knows I am impressed. Many thanks to the people at for compiling this list. I acknowledge that American cars in the 80s sucked. I spent entirely too much of my early driving life behind the wheel of an Ice Blue 1986 Plymouth Reliant K car so I know the pain of 1980s American cars. But seriously. Only one American brand in the top six. Really? I know Transformers was as popular in Japan as in America but really? Only one American brand. I know hasbro is an American company located in Rhode Island but seriously guys, you can't throw Detroit a bone. Not cool.

Graphic via Gizmodo.
Thanks to them as always

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